All Publications

Showing 211 - 220 of 333

The Impact of Group-Based Credit on Demand for Farm Inputs and Productivity in Rural Kenya

Paper presented at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association's & ACCI's Joint Annual Meeting

Can Group Based Credit Uphold Smallholder Farmers Productivity and Reduce Poverty in Africa? Empirical Evidence from Kenya

Evaluating the economic impact of MFI credit on farmers’ productivity

FinAccess National Survey 2009

Studying Kenya'’s changing financial landscape

Does Social Capital Matter? Evidence from a Five-Country Group Lending Experiment

Understanding effect of social capital on economic decision-making

The Role of Mobile Operators in Expanding Access to Finance

Examining opportunities for mobile network operators in offering financial services

M-Bureaus: M-Banking's Next Killer Application?

Examining potential use of mobile transaction data in credit reference bureaus
Case Study

Mobile Banking- The Key to Building Credit History for the Poor?

Will m-banking or m-payment-powered credit information systems work?

Definition of a Standard Measure for Consumer Interest Rates in Kenya: A Scoping Study

Developing options for a standard measure for consumer interest rates in Kenya

Financial Access and Exclusion in Kenya and Uganda

Examining factors causing exclusion from financial services
Case Study

Designing Mobile Money Services: Lessons from M-PESA

Analyzing the success of M-PESA mobile money service in Kenya