All Publications

Showing 191 - 200 of 333

Nonbank E-Money Issuers: Regulatory Approaches to Protecting Customer Funds

Regulating mobile network operators
Case Study

Turning Point Finance Programme Evaluation: Opening Doors for the Ultra-Poor

Evaluating the success of a microfinance scheme
Case Study

Community-Level Economic Effects of M-PESA in Kenya: Initial Findings

Analyzing the economic effects of M-PESA in Kenya
Case Study

Outreach of M-PESA System in Kenya: Emerging Trends

Examining the outreach of M-PESA
Case Study

Bridges to Cash: The Retail End of M-PESA

Examining liquidity management in M-PESA stores

Automation of SACCOS: Assessment of Potential Solutions

Providing automation solutions for Kenyan SACCOs

Mobile Banking for Inclusive Growth

Highlighting the potential of mobile phone technology in decreasing government intermediation
Case Study

Mobile Payments Go Viral: M-PESA in Kenya

What has led to the success of M-PESA?
Guide / Toolkit

Conducting Client Protection Assessments: A Guide

Evaluating MFIs' implementation of client protection principles