All Publications

Showing 81 - 90 of 146

Targeting the Poor versus Financial Sustainability and External Funding: Evidence of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana

Analyzing potential trade-off between financial sustainability and outreach

Savings, Credit and Insurance: Household Demand for Formal Financial Services in Rural Ghana

Determinants of demand for financial services in rural households

The Microcredit Strategies for SMES in Turkey in the EU Harmonization Process

Analyzing applicability of EU microcredit facilities in Turkey

Spatial and Socio-economic Dimensions of Clients of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana

Improving MFI targeting in Ghana

Microfinance and Home Improvement: Using Retrospective Panel Data to Measure Program Effects on Fundamental Events

Measuring welfare changes associated with development programs

Dialogue about the Business Climate

Discusses the role of microfinance in Ghana's economy

Microfinance Product Development in Ghana. The Innovative and Unique Dimensions of Kraban Support Foundation's Micro-Loan Products

Examining innovation in microloan products of financial NGOs in Ghana

Examining Interest Rate Sensitivities among Microfinance Loan Clients in Ghana: Preliminary Results

Assessing elasticity of demand for microloans