All Publications

Showing 131 - 140 of 146
Case Study

Microfinance and Culture: A Case Study in Ghana

How can culture be used to improve sustainability?

Ghana: Non-Bank Financial Institutions Business (Bog) Rules, 2000

Operational guidelines for non-banking financial institutions of Ghana

Saving in Sub-Saharan Africa

Why have household savings declined in Sub-Saharan Africa?

The Emerging Movement of Community Based Health Insurance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences and Lessons Learned

Can public-private partnerships contribute to improved community based health insurance schemes?

CGAP's Pilot Microfinance Capacity-building Initiative in Africa: What Have We Learned?

Analyzing the rationale, objectives, costs and results of the Pilot Initiative
Guide / Toolkit

Credit with Education Learning Game

How to train to start a credit association?

Microfinance for Sanitation

Learnings from experiences with microfinance in water and sanitation schemes

Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation

Does the formal sector have lessons to learn from the informal sector?

Financial Market Fragmentation and Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa

Can policy reform overcome the problem of market fragmentation?

UNDP Microfinance Assessment Report: Ghana

What is the impact of privatisation on financial accessibility?