All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 50

Group Lending or Individual Lending? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in Mongolia

Comparing the effectiveness of group and individual lending in reducing poverty in rural Mongolia
Case Study

Validation Report: Rural Finance Project (Mongolia)

Reviewing efforts to improve financial access

Savings and Financial Education for Girls in Mongolia: Impact Assessment Baseline Study

Gathering data on girls' knowledge of, comfort with, and ability to control banking products
Case Study

Product Development for Girls: Girls' Saving and Financial Education

Transforming savings behaviour of low-income girls

Microfinance Regulation and Supervision in Mongolia

Analysis and recommendations for improving the performance of the microfinance sector in Mongolia

Poverty and Microfinance in Eritrea - A Discourse

Analyzing incidence of poverty in Eritrea
Case Study

Managing Agricultural Risk at the Country Level: The Case of Index-based Livestock Insurance in Mongolia

Designing a sustainable livestock insurance program

Group Lending and the Role of the Group Leader: Theory and Evidence from Eritrea

What tempts a group leader to volunteer for the job?

Information and Communication Technology and Microfinance: Options for Mongolia

Analysis of four possible Information and Communication Technology solutions in Xacbank, Mongolia