All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 52

Smallholder Diaries: Building the Evidence Base with Farming Families in Mozambique, Tanzania, and Pakistan

How do small-scale agricultural producers manage their money?

Understanding Demand, Driving Innovation: Smallholder Households and Financial Services

Drawing on information from financial inclusion generally and smallholder finance specifically

Youth Economic Opportunity Ecosystem Analysis: Mozambique Country Report

Comprehensive assessment of youth employment and demand for financial services

Identifying Constraints to Financial Inclusion and Their Impact on GDP and Inequality: A Structural Framework for Policy

Evaluating the impact of financial inclusion constraints on GDP, inequality, and welfare

Digital Financial Services in Africa: Beyond the Kenyan Success Story

Assessing the growth potential of digital financial services in seven African countries

Banco Oportunidade de Moçambique (BOM) Project Results and Lessons

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)

Enhancing Financial Capability and Inclusion in Mozambique: A Demand-Side Assessment

Examining the extent of financial inclusion in Mozambique

Responsible Finance Market Overview: Mozambique

Examining the status of responsible finance in Mozambique

A Socially Responsible Model of Microcredit Delivery to Support Sustainable Community Development in Emerging Economies

Studying a socially responsible model of microfinance in Mozambique

Going Against the Odds: Integrating Risk Capital and Advisory Services for Small and Medium Enterprises in Mozambique

Implementing an integrated risk capital and advisory program in a post conflict environment