All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 66

Credit with Education Impact Review No. 1: Women's Empowerment

Has Freedom from Hunger's Credit with Education program actually helped empower its women clients?

Financial Sector Development in the Pacific DMCs - Volume 1: Regional Report

How can regional financial systems be strangthened and developed?

Financial Sector Development in the Pacific DMCs - Volume 2: Country Report

What are the constraints on financial deepening in the Pacific Islands?

A Comparative Analysis of Member-Based Microfinance Institutions in East and West Africa

Are there similarities in microfinance institutions operating in different regions?

The Lessons and Potential for Sustainability and Outreach of Microfinance Institutions in Papua New Guinea and Other Pacific Island Countries

Challenges for promoting sustainable microfinance in Papua New Guinea and Pacific Island Countries

Developments of Microfinance in West Africa and Trends for the Decade

Does Africa remain the forgotten continent?

Village Banking Dynamics: Evidence From Seven Programs

Do client loans grow or stagnate over time?

CGAP's Pilot Microfinance Capacity-building Initiative in Africa: What Have We Learned?

Analyzing the rationale, objectives, costs and results of the Pilot Initiative
Guide / Toolkit

Credit with Education Learning Game

How to train to start a credit association?