All Publications

Showing 171 - 180 of 223

Microfinance Revolution: Lessons from Indonesia (Volume 2)

What can we learn from Indonesia's experience in microfinance?

Women, Microfinance and Savings: Lessons and Proposals

What informal savings mechanisms do women use?
Guide / Toolkit

Step-By-Step: How to Set-up, Run, and Evaluate a Voucher Program

How to ensure the success of voucher training programs?

Microfinance Institutions Study

Institutional microfinance in Indonesia, an overview

Do Microfinance Programs Help Families Insure Consumption Against Illness?

What is the impact of microfinance on poor households' health?

Financial Sector Development in the Pacific DMCs - Volume 1: Regional Report

How can regional financial systems be strangthened and developed?

Financial Sector Development in the Pacific DMCs - Volume 2: Country Report

What are the constraints on financial deepening in the Pacific Islands?

Making the Best of Globalisation: Migrant Worker Remittances and Microfinance

Why microfinance institutions are so well suited to the remmittance transfer sector