All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 1229

Beneficiary Experience of Digital Government-to-Person (G2P) Payments in Bangladesh, Colombia, and the Philippines

This study explores consumers' experience  with digital cash transfers, and supports policy recommendations to improve the effectiveness of G2P payments and future financial  inclusion.


Financial Inclusion of Bharat: Insights Into People, Markets and Startups

This book highlights chosen insights in four themes: human stories of real people from the target Bharat customer segment; data-backed inferences predominantly from research fellowships; observations and lessons from and about startups building inclusive fintech solutions; and inputs on UI/UX design.


Women & Money: Insights and a Path to Close the Gender Gap

This paper presents research findings on the key challenges women face in accessing digital financial services and the design opportunities for the financial sector, policymakers and regulators, the philanthropic sector, NGOs, and designers everywhere.


Market Opportunities for Women’s Savings: Evidence From India

This study analyzed data to better understand why and how women save in India to guide financial services providers as they work to better tailor their products to customer needs.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Fintechs - Country: India

Deep dive into the innovative strategies that fintechs used to overcome the pandemic, measures taken by the government and regulators to enable ecosystem players, and support lent from investors and accelerators. 

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Using NLP on Social Media to Assess Consumer Risks With Digital Lending Apps in India

This research presents insights on emerging customer risks from digital consumer loans in India, analyzing customer complaints and feedback on Twitter and reviews of digital lending apps on Google Play,


State of Digital Payments in the Philippines - Highlights Report (2021 edition)


The Power of Jan Dhan: Making Finance Work for Women in India

This report highlights the design of Women's World Banking's unique Jan Dhan Plus solution and learnings from a subsequent pilot study that helped nurture regular savings behavior among low-income women in the country.


Towards Responsible Digitization of Merchants in Rural India for COVID-19 Recovery

These 10 recommendations aim to unlock the impact of fintech in merchant digitization, particular for women, and  to further India’s progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


Social Assistance and Information in the Initial Phase of the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons from a Household Survey in India

This publication explores the implementation of a social assistance program in India based on a household survey conducted four to six weeks after its launch.