All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 133

The Microfinance Sector in Peru: Opportunities, Challenges and Empowerment with Gender Mainstreaming

Increasing access to financial products for women entrepreneurs
Case Study

Partnering to Grow Poverty-focused Microfinance

Maintaining focus on poverty alleviation
Case Study

Titling, Credit Constraints, and Rental Markets in Rural Peru: Exploring Channels and Conditioned Impacts

Assessing the impact of land titling program in Peru

Trust and Social Collateral

Leveraging social connections as collateral to secure informal loans
Case Study

Business Training for Microfinance Clients: How it Matters and for Whom?

Evaluates the impact of adding entrepreneurial training to a microfinance program.
Case Study

Financial Landscape Baseline: Service Innovations of Pro Mujer Peru

Service innovations to improve financial services access
Case Study

An Analysis of Peru's “Cajeros Corresponsales”

Using banking agents to extend the reach of bank branches in Peru

Microfinance 101 Regulation and Supervision: What Works

Exploring unique challenges of microfinance regulation
Case Study

Microfinance in Latin America: The Leadership of WSBI Members

The report highlights the involvement of World Savings Bank Institute's members in microfinance.