All Publications

Showing 81 - 90 of 137

Social Connections and Group Banking

A study of the link between social connections and loan repayments

Microfinance Games

Do endogenous group formations reduce moral hazard?

Lessons Learnt from Guarantee Funds: The example of the International Guarantee Fund (IGF)

Achieving self-sustainability for guarantee funds
Case Study

Is There a Difference in Poverty Outreach by Type of Microfinance Institution? The Case of Peru and Bangladesh

Do different types of microfinance institutions differ in their poverty outreach performance?

The Road to Client Assessment: Travel Tips

A roadmap for client assessment and illustrates how the process works in practice

Expanding Impact - Innovations in Cost-effectively Integrating Microfinance with Education in Health

This paper discusses MFI interventions in addressing the comprehensive challenge of social exclusion

Teaching Entrepreneurship: Experiments to Improve Microfinance (BASIS Brief #47)

Can MFIs expand financial services access by offering microfinance clients entrepreneurial training?

The Challenges of Measuring Client Retention

A technical note on the history of microfinance's effort to measure client retention and improve it

Agricultural Insurance Revisited: New Developments and Perspectives in Latin America and the Caribbean

How can agricultural insurance get a foothold in the developing countries?

Shifting Technical Assistance Needs for Commercial MFIs: A Focus on Risk Management Tools

How can microfinance institutions cope with the new risks that come their way?