All Publications

Showing 71 - 80 of 137

Microfinance 101 Regulation and Supervision: What Works

Exploring unique challenges of microfinance regulation
Case Study

Microfinance in Latin America: The Leadership of WSBI Members

The report highlights the involvement of World Savings Bank Institute's members in microfinance.

Analyzing and Financing Value Chains: Cutting Edge Developments in Value Chain Analysis

Paper presented at the 3rd African Microfinance Conference
Case Study

Transitions to Private Capital: Case Studies from the Liability Side of the Balance Sheet

Differences in funding strategies of MFIs
Case Study

A Comparison of Housing Finance Programs for Low Income People in Peru

Assessing attempts in Peru to improve access to housing finance at the bottom of the pyramid

Credit Constraints and Productivity in Peruvian Agriculture

A theoretic and empirical study that measures the impact of credit constraints
Case Study

Healthy Women, Healthy Business: A Comparative Study of Pro Mujer's Integration of Microfinance and Health Services

Improving lives of low-income women entrepreneurs in Latin America

Teaching Entrepreneurship: Impact of Business Training on Microfinance Clients and Institutions

Entrepreneurship training: Impact on economic outcomes for the poor
Case Study

Evaluating the Role of Peruvian Credit Unions: A Case Study of 8 Credit Unions

Examining client characteristics of Peru’'s credit unions