All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 137

Making Public-Private Partnerships Work in Insurance

Designing efficient public-private partnerships in the insurance sector

Driving Scale and Density of Agent Networks in Perú

Identifying key factors to improve the rural outreach of agent networks

Microfinance Associations: Roles and New Leadership Opportunities

Summary of case studies profiling leading associations in Azerbaijan, Ecuador, Pakistan and Peru

What Happens to Microfinance Clients Who Default?

Case Study

ADRA Peru: Recruiting and Selecting Mission-Driven Staff

Social performance management case study on employee commitment to social goals

Making Women’s Work Visible: Finance for Rural Women

Designing financial products and services for rural women

Financial Inclusion Status in Peruvian Households

Identifying microeconomic factors affecting the likelihood of financial inclusion for households

Establishing a Financial Consumer Protection Supervision Department

Discussing guidelines and principles on designing financial consumer protection policy

Factors that Matter for Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Peru

Identifying factors for financial inclusion in Peru

The Progress Out of Poverty Index: A Detailed Analysis of MFI Implementation

Providing recommendations to MFIs based on a review of the Progress Out of Poverty Index