All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 87

Mongolia: The Microfinance Industry

The status of microfinance in Mongolia

Fighting Poverty with Handicrafts: Haiti

Haitian artisans get global recognition
Case Study

The Agricultural Bank of Mongolia

Can state-owned banks be turned around?

Sub-Sector Review of Legal Environment of Microfinance in Mongolia

Assessing progress and on-going challenges in the area of micro finance,its laws and processing

ACCION Poverty Outreach Findings: SOGESOL, Haiti

Has SOGESOL reached out to the poor?

The Service Company Model: A New Strategy for Commercial Banks in Microfinance

Can banks succeed in the microfinance market using service company model?

Rural Finance and Microfinance Development in Transition Countries in Southeast and East Asia

How the relationship between policies and institutions can offer lessons for rural financial systems

The Bank of Mongolia: Law on Non-Bank Financial Institutions

Law to establish legal foundations for non-bank financial activities

Microfinance Institutions' Response in Conflict Environments

Framework and guiding principles for providing microfinance assistance