All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 87
Case Study

Remittances in Crises: A Haiti Case Study

Analyzing contribution of remittances in disaster recovery

Temporary Regulation on Issue of Guarantees by Banks

Regulation for issuing payment guarantees by banks for third party persons

The Regulation on Setting Prudential Ratios to Commercial Banks

How does the Bank of Mongolia propose to regulate the capital adequacy of Mongolia’s banks?

XacBank Deepens Outreach through IGP: Mongolia

Innovative microfinance product by XacBank

Microloans Fight Rural Poverty: Haiti

Loan guarantee ensures sales for hill side farmers in Haiti

Shifting Technical Assistance Needs for Commercial MFIs: A Focus on Risk Management Tools

How can microfinance institutions cope with the new risks that come their way?

What Does the Bank of Mongolia Do to Promote Microfinance?

The main objectives of the 'Year of Microfinance and Support to Small and Medium Entrepreneurship'
Case Study

Khan Bank, The Agricultural Bank of Mongolia

How did the Khan Bank become profitable?

Measuring Poverty Directly: Insights from ACCION`s Poverty Assessment Project

How to usecan assessment tools to develop strategies and improve outreach to the poor?

Mongolia - Index-based Livestock Insurance Project (Project Information Document - Appraisal Stage)

Mongolia: Index-based livestock insurance project report