All Publications

Showing 81 - 90 of 97

Determinants of Household Access to and Participation in Formal and Informal Credit Markets in Malawi

Does composition or total value of household assets determine household access to formal credit?
Case Study

Community Resource Mobilisation and FINCA/COPE II Overlap in Malawi

Do committees value and mobilize community resources?
Case Study

Impact of Access to Credit on Income and Food Security in Malawi

Does access to formal credit enable households to reduce their borrowing from informal sources?

Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation

Does the formal sector have lessons to learn from the informal sector?

Financial Market Fragmentation and Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa

Can policy reform overcome the problem of market fragmentation?

Rural Financial Policies for Food Security of the Poor: Methodologies for a Multi-country Research Project

Identifying policies and institutional arrangements for access to savings and credit systems

Malawi: Directive on Foreign Currency Exposure Limits

The laws governing prudential limits within which foreign exchange positions may be held in Malawi

Malawi: Directive on Minimum Capital Ratios for Financial Institutions

What are the minimum capital standard requirements for financial institutions in Malawi?

Attitudes and Practices of Credit Union Members and Non-Members in Malawi and Grenada: Synthesis Report

What is the nature and extent of credit union involvement in MSE financing?

Malawi: Directive on Credit Concentration for Financial Institutions

What are the laws governing credit concentration requirements for financial institutions in Malawi?