All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 52
Case Study

Al Majmoua Client Satisfaction and Client Exit Surveys

Case study on Lebanese NGO's implementation of social performance management standards

Subsidizing Remittances for Education: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador

Evaluating the effects of donor funds for education on migrant remittances
Case Study

Adoption of Mifos at Al Majmoua

Examining benefits of technology implementation

2010 Arab Microfinance Analysis & Benchmarking Report

Presenting the latest microfinance trends in the Arab world

A Simple Poverty Scorecard for El Salvador

A scorecard to estimate poverty rates and track changes in them over time in El Salvador

Microfinance Industry Profile: Lebanon

Overview of the microfinance sector in Lebanon

Diagnostic Report on the Legal and Regulatory Environment for Microfinance in Lebanon

Analyzing the legal and regulatory environment for microfinance in Lebanon

Branchless Banking Policy and Regulation in El Salvador

Recommending regulatory and legal changes to promote branchless banking