All Publications

Showing 91 - 100 of 114
Case Study

KfW's Comprehensive Approach to Financial Sector Strengthening: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Is financial sector development possible in an unstable, high risk environment?

Private Initiative in Regulating Financial Discipline

Can a credit bureau assist all financial institutions?
Case Study

Rural Lending in Sierra Norte-Ecuador

Experiences of portfolio analysis and addition: A case study from Ecuador
Case Study

CARE Microfinance Case Study - Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

How can group lending be a segue into individual lending in post-conflict regions?
Guide / Toolkit

Step-By-Step: How to Set-up, Run, and Evaluate a Voucher Program

How to ensure the success of voucher training programs?

Innovative Approaches to Microfinance in Post-conflict Situations: Bosnia Local Initiatives Project

Examining the success of the World Bank's Local Initiatives Project in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Decision on Documentation Necessary for the Issuing Of Approval for Founding Of the Micro-Credit Organization

Decisions stating requirements for microcredit organizations' pending approval in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Impact Analysis and Social Return on Investment

Loan analysis by "Prisma"

Law on Amendments to the Law on Banks

Amendments to the laws regulating the banking entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina