All Publications

Showing 381 - 390 of 429

It Pays to Lend to Poor Women

Micro credit helps women break the cycle of poverty

Microfinance Enters the Marketplace

Who are the new entrants in the microfinance market and how will they effect the incumbents?

The Case for Voluntary, Open Access Savings Facilities and Why Bangladesh's Largest MFIs Were Slow to React

Are the poor saving and do they want to save?

Effects on Microfinance of the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis

What are the impacts of the 1997 Asian financial crisis on microfinance institutions in the region?
Case Study

Using Microcredit to Advance Women

Analyzing the impact of microcredit on women
Case Study

Micro Leasing: The Grameen Bank Experience

Can micro leasing be easily integrated into the range of more familiar loan products on offer?

Does Microfinance Really Benefit the Poor? Evidence from Bangladesh

What MFI's can do for the poor depends largely on the poor's ability to use services offered

Cost Allocation For Multi-Service Microfinance Institutions

Creating cost centers for better business planning

Microfinance in the Wake of Natural Disasters: Challenges and Opportunities

How can microfinance organizations prepare themselves in face of the risk of a natural disaster?