All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 54

Is there a Link between Quality of Employment and Indebtedness? The Case of Urban Low-income Households in Ecuador

Exploring risks associated with growing informalization of employment
Case Study

Case of the “Jardín Azuayo” Savings and Loan Cooperative, Ecuador: A Governance Model for Rural Outreach

Demonstrating operational efficiency through decentralized governance structures

Credit Union Transactions Cross Borders

Highlighting advantages of shared network among credit unions
Case Study

Ecuador: Savings Mobilization in 14 Credit Unions

Saving strategies and practices in credit unions
Case Study

Ecuador: Stability in a Time of Crisis

Mobilizing savings during economic and political crises

Joint Liability Borrowing and Suicide

This paper examines the consequences of repayment failure in case of joint liability borrowing

Are Cash Transfers Made to Women Spent Like Other Sources of Income?

This paper analyzes the effect of a cash transfer program in rural areas in Ecuador

Guaranty: Where Private Ordering Meets the Legal System

When can joint liability system achieve efficiency?