All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 55

Rural Finance for Small Farmers: An Integrated Approach

Expanding responsively and sustainably into rural areas

The Role of Remittances in Crisis: An Aceh Research Study

How do remittances help households cope with crises?

Agricultural Insurance Revisited: New Developments and Perspectives in Latin America and the Caribbean

How can agricultural insurance get a foothold in the developing countries?
Case Study

Using Palm Pilots to Manage Loans: ADOPEM Raises Efficiency with Handheld Technology (Innovation Brief)

Importance of handheld technologies for MFIs

Dominican Republic - Sustainable Tourism Fuels Dominican Republic

How can tourism help a country's economy and, at the same time, preserve the environment?

An Inter-Country Survey of the Relative Costs of Bank Accounts

How does South Africa fare in the area of transactional banking?
Case Study

Client Case Studies From the Dominican Republic

Nurturing entrepreneurial spirit through microfinance

Attracting Remittances: Practices to Reduce Costs and Enable a Money Transfer Environment

Presenting best practices for attracting remittances

CGAP IT Innovation Series - Automated Teller Machines

Using ATMs in microfinance institutions