All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 113

The Policy and Legal Framework for Microfinance in China

Assessing the regulatory environment for microfinance in China

Highlight on China, Part 3 - Interview with GTZ

What are the main issues that the Chinese Government needs to address on microfinance?

Formal Versus Informal Finance: Evidence from China

Examining firm financing patterns and growth in China.

The Financial Deepening-Productivity Nexus in China: 1987-2001

Does the deepening of the financial sector in China explain the growth in regional productivity?

Highlight on China, Part 2 - Interview with China Association of Microfinance

What are the factors that have shaped Chinese microfinance?

Highlight on China, Part 2 - Interview with China Development Bank

What role does the China Development Bank play in the development of the rural sector in China?

Highlight on China, Part 2 - Interview with China Post

What are the contributions of the Postal Savings Bank of China to microfinance?

Highlight on China, Part 2 - Interview with IPC

Partnering with financial institutions to take microfinance into rural China

Highlight on China, Part 3 - Interview with the World Bank

What are the highlights of microfinance development in China?