All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 52
Case Study

Nicaragua: Putting the Framework into Place

Developing a new financial service option
Case Study

Hand Out or Hand Up: Microfinance, Remittances, and Entrepreneurship in Nicaragua

Establishing a link between remittances and financial services provision
Case Study

Healthy Women, Healthy Business: A Comparative Study of Pro Mujer's Integration of Microfinance and Health Services

Improving lives of low-income women entrepreneurs in Latin America

Poverty and Globalization Study: Cases Bolivia and Nicaragua

A look at the relationship between poverty and globalization

Nicaraguan Remittance Senders Research Report

Examining users' perceptions on remittance services

Lessons Learnt from Guarantee Funds: The example of the International Guarantee Fund (IGF)

Achieving self-sustainability for guarantee funds

Expanding Impact - Innovations in Cost-effectively Integrating Microfinance with Education in Health

This paper discusses MFI interventions in addressing the comprehensive challenge of social exclusion

The Challenges of Measuring Client Retention

A technical note on the history of microfinance's effort to measure client retention and improve it

Benchmarking Microfinance in Nicaragua 2005

Examines financial and operational performance of 16 Nicaraguan MFIs using standard indicators

USAID Trains Junior Cuppers: Nicaragua

How has new skill for children of coffee producers helped improve coffee production?