All Publications

Showing 71 - 80 of 106

Regulation and Supervision of Albania's Microfinance Industry

Strengthening the microfinance regulatory environment in Albania

Supervising and Regulating Microfinance in the Context of Financial Sector Liberalization: Lessons from Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico

How can regulations help the growth of microfinance sector?
Case Study

Microinsurance Pre-Feasibility Study - Albania

What are the factors that affect the feasibility of offering a microinsurance product in Albania?

Access to Financial Services: What Do We Know Across Countries?

Why is access to financial services low in poor countries?
Case Study

Corona Foundation: Enterprise Development Fund Foundation - Sustainability and Microcredit

How can the Enterprise Development Fund Foundation help Colombian micro-entrepreneurs access funds?

Principles and Practices for Regulating and Supervising Microfinance

How to supervise microfinance institutions?

Colombia - Rural Finance - Access Issues, Challenges and Opportunities, Vol. 1

How to improve access of financial services in rural Colombia?

Regulation on Capital Adequacy

What are the provisions of regulation on capital adequacy for banks?

Regulation on the Supervision of Savings & Credit Associations and their Unions. (Decision no. 67, dated August 28, 2002)

What are the provisions for supervision of Savings and Credit Associations in Albania?