All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 25
Case Study

Making Sense of the Commercialization of Microfinance in Latin America: Lessons for Nicaragua

What could Nicaragua learn from the experience of its peers?

Upgrading in Clusters and Value Chains in Latin America: The Role of Policies

What are the policy requirements to promote small and medium enterprises in Latin America?

Bank Lending to Small Businesses in Latin America: Does Bank Origin Matter?

Do foreign banks ignore small businesses?

Microcredit Impact Assessment: The Brazilian And Chilean Cases

How has microfinance performed in Brazil and Chile?

Microfinance Institutions and Public Policy

What is the appropriate support level, form, and regulation options for microfinance institutions?
Case Study

Banking to Serve Microenterprises: The Banestado Case

What are the advantages of client-focused microfinance?
Guide / Toolkit

Technical Manual - Leasing - INDES

Do lease finance options for small and medium enterprises work?

Mainstreaming Microfinance of Housing

Is housing microfinance set to be the next big thing?