All Publications

Showing 81 - 90 of 172

The Current Supply of Microfinance Services in China

Describing China’'s microfinance industry

The Emergence of a Microfinance Market in the Sertão Back Lands of Bahia

Analyzing organizational and cultural foundations of financial markets in poor regions

The Policy and Legal Framework for Microfinance in China

Assessing the regulatory environment for microfinance in China

Highlight on China, Part 3 - Interview with GTZ

What are the main issues that the Chinese Government needs to address on microfinance?

Formal Versus Informal Finance: Evidence from China

Examining firm financing patterns and growth in China.

The Financial Deepening-Productivity Nexus in China: 1987-2001

Does the deepening of the financial sector in China explain the growth in regional productivity?

Assessing Indebtedness: Results from Pilot Survey among Steelworkers in Sao Paulo

Determining characteristics and implications of over-indebtedness

Highlight on China, Part 2 - Interview with China Association of Microfinance

What are the factors that have shaped Chinese microfinance?

Highlight on China, Part 2 - Interview with China Development Bank

What role does the China Development Bank play in the development of the rural sector in China?