All Publications

Showing 61 - 70 of 172

Branchless Banking Agents in Brazil: Building Viable Networks

Insights from a study of viable agent networks in Brazil

An Empirical Analysis of Microcredit on China Rural Household

Studying the impact of microcredit in rural areas of China

Formal and Informal Credit Markets and Rural Credit Demand in China

From the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association 2010 AAEA, CAES, & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting

Rural Finance in Poverty-stricken Areas in the People's Republic of China: Balancing Government and Market

Making rural finance accessible

Technology Program Country Note: Brazil

Identifying the challenges that Brazil faces in expanding branchless banking

Update on Regulation of Branchless Banking in Brazil

Presenting CGAP findings on branchless banking regulation in Brazil

Microinsurance, Trust and Economic Development: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment

Studying the causal effect of insurance on agricultural production in China

How Enabling is the Latin American Environment for Mobile Money?

Examining regulatory environment for mobile money in Latin America

The Research on Microfinance Models for BOP Market in Rural Areas of China

Explaining strengths and weaknesses of microfinance models from BoP perspective

The Role of Credit Officers in the Performance of Microcredit Loans: Evidence from Vivacred in Brazil

Does the credit officer's ability impact success of microloans?