All Publications

Showing 121 - 130 of 172

Regulations Governing Capital Adequacy of Commercial Banks (2004)

What determines the capital adequacy for commercial banks in China?

The Regulatory Environment for Microfinance in China

The impact of the existing regulatory environment on access to financial services in China

Restructuring China's Rural Financial System: Existing Approaches, Challenges and the Future of Microfinance

What kind of financial system can better facilitate rural China's credit needs?

China: Country Overview

What are the opportunities for PlaNet Finance in China?
Case Study

China: IFAD's Assistance with Reform of the Rural Finance Sector

Lessons from International Fund for Agricultural Development's Rural Finance Sector Program in China

Affordable Technologies for Sustainable Development

Exploring the relationship between microfinance and IT
Case Study

A Case Study Analysis of the Impacts of Microfinance Upon the Lives of the Poor in Rural China

How has microfinance benefited the lives of the poor in rural China?
Case Study

A Development Bank's Success with Microfinance: Banco do Nordeste's CrediAmigo

A look at the success of microcredit in Brazil