All Publications

Showing 91 - 100 of 108
Case Study

Indigenous Microcredit and Enterprise Establishment: A Sri Lankan Case Study

Enterprise devlopement and micro credit: what linkages?

The Big-Country Enigma

Why has microfinance fared badly in large countries?

Compiling and Understanding the Flow of Funds in Developing Countries

Uses and analysis of Flow of Funds

Renewable Energy for Microenterprise

How can microfinance fund renewable energy initiatives?

Commercial ICT-based Business Information Services for MSME Development

Information and Communication Technology and micro, small/medium enterprises' business environments

Formal RoSCAs in Argentina

What are the features of "formal" RoSCAs? What role can they play in development?

Outreach and Sustainability of Rural Microfinance in Asia: Observations and Recommendations

Can microfinance institutions combine poverty outreach with institutional viability?

Sri Lanka: Banking Act, No. 30 of 1988

Amendments made to the Sri Lankan Banking Act no. 30 of 1988

Sri Lanka: Monetary Law Act

What are the functions of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka?