All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 172

"Saving for Change" Impact Stories

How have savings groups helped the poor tackle social issues?

Dollar for Dreams: Scaling Microlending in the United States

Summarizing experiences in scaling microenterprises

Baseline Study of Saving for Change in Mali: Results from the Segou Expansion Zone and Existing SFC Sites

Analyzing the impact of savings on poor women'’s lives

Reaching the Hispanic Market through Remittances: Experience from the Credit Union Remittance Outreach Program (CUROP)

How credit unions can offer services to remittance-sending communities

The Savings Led Revolution: Mass-scale, Group Managed Microfinance for the Rural Poor

Leveraging savings-led microfinance to improve access to finance

Seeking to Serve Millions, Not Hundreds: Helping US Microfinance Institutions Go Beyond What They Know

Strategies for scaling up microfinance services

Pre-Feasibility Analysis: Index-Based Weather Risk Transfer in Mali

Developing a market for index-based insurance products