All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 172

Big Data: A Big Disappointment for Scoring Consumer Credit Risk

Evaluating the promise of big data to lead to better products/services for the unbanked/underbanked

The Financial Capability of Young Adults - A Generational View

The financial situation, capabilities, and challenges millennials face in the United States

2012 Financially Underserved Market Size Study

Examining financial products used by the financially underserved consumers in the United States

Designing California’s Secure Choice Savings Program: Policy Considerations for Building an Automatic and State-Based Savings Platform

Addressing the policy issues in building an automatic and state-based savings program

Immigrant Financial Services Study

Revealing gaps in financial services for immigrant New Yorkers

Investment Activity in FinTech for the Financially Underserved

Capturing investment activity in technology that improves financial access in the United States

The Cost of Cash in the United States

Understanding the effects of cash as a monetary mechanism in the United States

Subsidizing Remittances for Education: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador

Evaluating the effects of donor funds for education on migrant remittances

Final Impact Evaluation of the Saving for Change Program in Mali, 2009-2012

Examining the impact of a savings group program in rural Mali