All Publications

Showing 71 - 80 of 93

Do Men Really Have no Shame?

Are women-only groups more successful because women have more shame than men?

Research Strategy for the AIMS Core Impact Assessments

Research strategies used by AIMS CIA advance impact assessment methodologies
Case Study

Women and Men in Rural Microfinance: The Case of Jordan

What contributes to economies of scale in microfinance institutions?

Use and Impact of Savings Services Among Poor People in Zimbabwe: What It Means for Microfinance Institutions

How can microfinance institutions tap into the savings market provided by the poor?
Case Study

Savings Mobilisation to Microfinance: A Historical Perspective on the Zimbabwe Savings Development Movement

Why did the Self-Help Development Foundation shift from savings mobilization to microcredit?

Improving the Social Protection of the Urban Poor and Near-Poor in Jordan - The Potential of Micro-Insurance

Can micro-insurance reduce the vulnerability of urban population groups?

Zimbabwe: Banking Act

An Act regulating the formation and functioning of banking institutions in Zimbabwe

Imperfect Information, Social Capital and The Poor's Access to Credit

Microfinance institutions gained success through the trust and mutual support of their field workers

Preparation of a Business Plan and Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a Credit Bureau in Jordan: Final Report

Studying compatible factors for the establishment of a successful Credit Bureau in Jordan