All Publications

Showing 71 - 80 of 290

Digital Financial Services in Africa: Beyond the Kenyan Success Story

Assessing the growth potential of digital financial services in seven African countries

Digital Payments for Education in Uganda

Analyzing the public school payment ecosystem, with recommendations for digital solutions

Financial Inclusion in Uganda

Facilitating increase in access to financial services in Uganda

Mobile Money, Remittances and Rural Household Welfare: Panel Evidence from Uganda

Analyzing the socio-economic impact of mobile money on the lives of Uganda’s rural poor
Guide / Toolkit

Livestock Value Chain Assessment from Centenary Bank

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)
Case Study

UGAFODE Uganda: Listening to Client Complaints

Case study on a complaint handling system in relation to SPM Universal Standards

Vision Fund Uganda: Piloting and Using the PPI

Case study with recommendations on improving effectiveness in relation to SPM Universal Standards
Case Study

AMFIU: Supporting Improved Compliance with the Universal Standards in Uganda

How the national microfinance association helped its members define and monitor their social goals

From Financial Exclusion to Formal Inclusion: Empirical Evidence from the Microfinance and Disability Project in Uganda

Investigating the drivers and obstacles to disability inclusion in Uganda

International Remittances and Financial-Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa

Analyzing the relationship between remittances and financial inclusion