All Publications

Showing 241 - 250 of 290

Bootstraps or Braces? The Regulation of Community Development Finance Institutions

Finding the best regulatory framework for Community Development Financial Institutions in the UK

Passing the Buck - Money Transfer Systems in Uganda and Tanzania: The Practice and Potential for Products

Is the demand for money transfer services still unmet in Uganda and Tanzania?

Developing Financial Structures to Foster Enterprise Development

Analyzing strategies for stimulating business enterprise finance
Guide / Toolkit

A Proposed Performance and Accountability Framework for Community Development Finance in the UK

CDFIs still have along way to go in terms of performance and accountability

Potential for Leasing Products: Asset Financing for Micro- & Small Businesses in Tanzania and Uganda

What determines micro-leasing product preferences of small enterprise operators?

Reinsurance of Health Insurance for the Informal Sector

A better understanding of MFI's financial results can help achieve financial stabilisation sooner

The Impact of Three Microfinance Programs in Uganda

Do microfinance programs reach their target groups?

Women as Entrepreneurs in Sweden and the UK - Different Perspectives

Promoting best practices in entrepreneurship: Role of women and gender issues