All Publications

Showing 131 - 140 of 263

Value Chain Governance and Access to Finance: Maize, Sugar Cane, and Sunflower Oil in Uganda

Examining availability of finance within directed, balanced, and market governance structures

Microfinance Investments in Quality at Private Clinics in Uganda: A Case-Control Study

Examining the potential of microfinance loans to improve access to health services in Uganda

Analyzing and Financing Value Chains: Cutting Edge Developments in Value Chain Analysis

Paper presented at the 3rd African Microfinance Conference

Results of a National Survey on Access to Financial Services in Uganda

Assessing demand, usage and access to financial services

The Challenges of Managing Microinsurance Schemes in Uganda

A look at the factors affecting the effectiveness of microinsurance in Uganda

Client Satisfaction with Health Insurance in Uganda

Highlighting the client perspective on microinsurance

Who Benefits From Regulation?

Assessing impact of the MDI Act on microfinance stakeholders in Uganda

Gender, HIV/AIDS and Rural Livelihoods: Micro-Level Investigations in Three African Countries

Mitigating HIV/AIDS impact at household level
Case Study

Providing Cost-effective Credit to Small-scale Single-Crop Farmers: The Case of Financiera El Comercio

Discussing appropriate mechanisms to finance single-crop farmers in Paraguay
Case Study

Warehouse Receipts Turn Corn into Collateral: Uganda

USAID-funded program in Uganda gives farmers access to bank loans and higher crop prices