All Publications

Showing 101 - 110 of 149

How Donors Can Help Build Pro-poor Financial Systems

Utilizing financial system approach to serve the poor better

Amendments to Current Regulations to Address Non Governmental Organizations

How can Tanzanian regulations be amended to suit the needs of non government organizations?

Financial Cooperative Societies Regulations 2004

For savings and credit cooperative societies incorporated under the Cooperative Societies Act 2003

Group-based Funeral Insurance in Ethiopia and Tanzania

Understanding indigenous institutions providing funeral insurance and their scalability

Innovation in Rural Finance in Tanzania

Proceedings from The Third Annual Conference on Microfinance, 2004, Arusha, Tanzania

Intercooperation's Contribution to Micro and Small Enterprise Development

Examining products that Intercooperation has to offer to the medium and small enterprise sector

Lessons from MicroSave's Action Research Programme (2003): Briefing Note

What should be the approach for market-led research?

Microfinance Companies and Microcredit Activities Regulations 2004

Directive applicable to financial institutions licensed as Microfinance Companies