All Publications

Showing 161 - 170 of 247

Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Finance: Hearing on Funeral Benefits Schemes

Operation and regulation of the assistance business market in South Africa

Proposal on Headline Indicators of Financial Access

Developing headline indicators for measuring access - A study

Regulations Governing Capital Adequacy of Commercial Banks (2004)

What determines the capital adequacy for commercial banks in China?

The Access Frontier for Health Insurance

Lending a hand to the South African poor – Models for insurance

The Financial Diaries: Investigating the Financial Lives of the Poor in South Africa

Presenting a detailed picture of the financial lives of the poor in South Africa

The Regulatory Environment for Microfinance in China

The impact of the existing regulatory environment on access to financial services in China

Township-Based Microlenders: A Profile

Understanding the role of township-based microlenders in the South African financial markets