All Publications

Showing 431 - 440 of 467

Determinants of Smallholder Loan Repayment Performance: Evidence from the Nigerian Microfinance System

Proceedings from "Opportunities in Africa: Micro-evidence on Firms and Households Conference," 2001
Guide / Toolkit

Liquidity Management: A Toolkit for Microfinance Institutions

Providing guidelines on implementing liquidity management in MFIs
Case Study

Microfinance & Sustainable Livelihood in Lao PDR (Technical Review Mission)

How successful has microfinance been in Lao PDR?
Case Study

White Elephants in Rural Finance in South Asia

The case of dysfunctional agricultural development banks

Cost Benefit Analysis Applied to Micro Credit Program Evaluation

Can Cost Benefit Analysis be used for impact assessment?

The World Bank and Microenterprise Finance: From Concept to Practice

This report evaluates the design of 87 World Bank-supported microfinance projects

Appraisal Document for Microstart Mongolia

Analyzing the progress of MicroStart Mongolia

Credit Scoring and Loan Scoring: Tools for Improved Management of Federal Credit Programs

Examining whether credit and loan scores are of benefit to lenders
Case Study

Case Studies in Microfinance: Ecuador - Oscus (AMBATO) and Progreso (QUITO) Credit Unions

An analysis of the Oscus and Progreso credit unions in Ecuador

Development Finance Institutions: Measuring Their Subsidy

What should be considered in evaluating a rural financial institution's financial performance?