All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 236

Financing the Frontier: Inclusive Financial Sector Development in Fragility-Affected States in Africa

Facing new challenges to inclusive finance in the region with a market systems approach

Microfinance Institutions in Yemen, "Hurdles and Remedies"

Recommendations for addressing challenges limiting the growth of MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

Minimum Economic Recovery Standards: Third Edition

Guidance for practitioners on improving economic assistance for disaster recovery

Online Prosocial Microlending Decision Making

A natural experiment of Ebola outbreak

Resilient Markets: Strengthening Women’s Economic Empowerment and Market Systems in Fragile Settings

Recommendations for using the three A's framework: Anticipate, Absorb, Adapt
Case Study

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Ethiopia

Looking at the use of mobile money among cash transfer recipients
Case Study

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Bangladesh

What are the critical barriers to uptake and usage of mobile money among cash transfer recipients?
Case Study

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Zimbabwe

Identifying barriers and enabling factors which affect uptake and usage of mobile money
Case Study

First Microfinance Institution Syria: Building Resilience Through a Client-Centric Model

Case study in disaster risk reduction and crisis management during a civil war
Case Study

Fostering Resilience in the Middle East: A People Centered Approach to Risk Reduction

Case studies from Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon on reducing disaster risk