All Publications

Showing 171 - 180 of 236
Case Study

Report of Feasibility Study for Microfinance Program Addressing to Tsunami-affected Community of Aceh Province (NAD) and Nias Islands

How can microfinance come to the aid of tsunami and earthquake-affected people?

Serving Youth with Microfinance: Perspectives of Microfinance Institutions and Youth Serving Organizations

Is provision of microfinance services to youth in conflict-affected areas doing more harm than good?

USAID Tsunami Reconstruction Update Oct 2005

Information on the progress of post-tsunami reconstruction initiatives by USAID

Supporting Microfinance in Conflict-Affected Areas

Rebuilding conflict-affected communities with microfinance

Conflict and Post-Conflict Environments: Ten Short Lessons To Make Microfinance Work

How can microfinance work in a conflict or post-conflict situation?

The Emerging Role of Microfinance Programs in Mitigating the Impact of Natural Disasters: Summary Findings of World Visions Ethiopian Affiliate

The impact of microfinance programs in disaster mitigation and relief

Microfinance Amid Conflict: Taking Stock of Available Literature

A review of the literature on microfinance in conflict situations

Microfinance Research in Conflict Environments: State of the Art and the Road Forward

What are the lessons learnt about microfinance in conflict affected areas?.

Refuge to Return: Operational Lessons for Serving Mobile Populations in Conflict-Affected Environments (Micro Note)

Refuge to Return: An effective micro-lending program for refugees
Case Study

Collaboration for Post-conflict Rebuilding and Financial System Development: European Donors with KfW Leadership in Southeastern Europe

Can effective donor collaboration lead to better impact and outreach?