All Publications

Showing 141 - 150 of 236
Case Study

Remittances in Crises: A Haiti Case Study

Analyzing contribution of remittances in disaster recovery

Role of Microinsurance in Disaster Management

Highlighting the role of Microinsurance in disaster management among low income groups in India.

Technical Assistance Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka: Microinsurance Sector Development

How can microinsurance help the conflict- and tsunami-affected people of Sri Lanka?

The Role of Microfinance Networks in Challenging Environments

How can networks strengthen the microfinance industry in conflict- and disaster-prone environments?

Microfinance and Social Impact in Post-Conflict Environments

Can microfinance rebuild communities in post-conflict environments where social ties have eroded?

Reconstruction and Development of the Microfinance System in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), Indonesia

How can microfinance in Indonesia recover from the devastating effects of the tsunami?
Case Study

Rural Finance in Conflict Environments: Experiences from Nepal's Small-Farmer Cooperatives Limited (SFCL)

Examining the efficacy of farmers' cooperatives in building peace