All Publications

Showing 101 - 110 of 121
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CGAP-World Bank: Regulatory Sandbox Global Survey (2019)

Providing the evidence base for a comparative understanding of how regulators globally deal with innovation
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Financial Agency of Women in Pakistan

This study shares research findings on the barriers women in Pakistan face in accessing digital financial services (DFS).

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The Financial Agency of Women

Exploring behavioral archetypes in Kenya to understand barriers to digital financial services
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BPNT Operations Assessment 2019

Results from survey of digital cash transfer beneficiaries in Indonesia
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Digital Finance for the Real Economy: Water

The role of digital finance in universal access to clean and affordable water
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Financial Inclusion Insights Côte d'Ivoire: Complete Analysis

Supplement to the CGAP’s Financial Inclusion Insights 2018 slide deck
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Gallup Global Financial Health Study Key Findings and Results

This study provides a new metric to measure perceived financial control - the extent to which people perceive they are in control of and can influence their financial situation, an important and complementary dimension within the umbrella of financial health. 

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Leveraging Technology for Meaningful Financial Inclusion in Asia

What opportunities does fintech present for potential providers and customers?