All Publications

Showing 161 - 170 of 236

Survey Report of Microfinance Institutions Affected by Tsunami

The present state of 41 MFIs in 9 districts struck by the tsunami in Sri Lanka

Microfinance Role in Post Conflict and Crisis Situations

Microcredit and group formation in conflict-affected areas for financial and social empowerment

Surviving Disasters and Supporting Recovery: A Guidebook for Microfinance Institutions

How can microfinance institutions prepare themselves and their clients for natural disasters?

Sustaining Microfinance in Post-Tsunami Asia

How can MFIs be effective in post-tsunami assistance efforts?

ILO Guide on Responses to Support the Recovery and Reconstruction Efforts in Crisis-Affected Areas in Indonesia

Step-by-step guides to undertaking planning and implementation of reconstruction efforts

Lessons Learned from Implementing Microfinance in a Post-Tsunami Environment (Sri Lanka)

Post-tsunami, what happened to microfinance provision and MFIs in the affected areas?

Post-Disaster Microfinance: The Experience in Aceh

Making microfinance sustainable in a post-disaster situation

Reconstruction and Development of the Microfinance System in Nanggroeh Aceh Darussalam (NAD)

Can microfinance help Nanggroeh, Indonesia recover from the devastating effects of the tsunami?