All Publications

Showing 431 - 440 of 465

Gender in Agriculture: Sourcebook

Addressing gender disparities for sustained socio-economic development

Microinsurance that Works for Women: Making Gender-Sensitive Microinsurance Programs

Designing microinsurance to address women-specific risks

Taking Gender Seriously: Towards a Gender Justice Protocol for Financial Services

Mainstreaming gender issues in financial services development

MIX Social Performance Indicators Presentation


Empowering Women Via Microfinance in Fragile States

This paper examines the bias that microfinance programs show towards women borrowers

Borrower Empowerment and Savings: A Two-Stage Microfinance Scheme

The role of savings and borrower empowerment in microfinance

Microfinance Capital Markets

The microfinance capital markets update is produced and edited by CGAP and the Microfinance Information eXchange (MIX). The newsletter is the only publication dedicated to microfinance capital markets news, and is distributed to thousands of microfinance providers, investors, donors, rating agencies, and consultants.


Tort Theory, Microfinance, and Gender Equality Convergent in Pecuniary Reparations

Achieving national level reparations through microfinance

From Microfinance to Macro Change: Integrating Health Education and Microfinance to Empower Women and Reduce Poverty

Is microfinance the best vehicle to educate poor women on reproductive health?