All Publications

Showing 261 - 270 of 465

IT and Cybersecurity in the Financial Sector

This factsheet shares the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development's and German development cooperation's intentions and calls for actions for combating cybercrime in emerging economies.


MFIs on the Rebound, but Will It Last?

From February to April 2020, microfinance institutions (MFIs) within the Symbiotics portfolio saw disbursements and repayments contract sharply across all regions.

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Persona and Social Norm Overlay: Design Template

Unpacking how social norms impact women's ability to interact with financial services


Social Norms and Persona Design: Background Note

Understanding social norms that impact women’s ability to interact with financial services


The Prevalence and Drivers of Financial Resilience Among Adults

Evidence from the 2014 and 2017 Global Findex data from 144 economies worldwide


Supervision of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

Monitoring compliance by financial institutions with their AML/CFT obligations


A Roadmap to Suptech Solutions for Low Income (IDA) Countries

Step-by-step guide and use cases to support financial sector supervisors


Consumer Protection and COVID-19: Borrower Risks as Economies Reopen

Recommendations for policy makers, regulators, and FSPs on how to focus on borrower’s needs without putting excessive stress on providers


Digital Solutions for the Financial Sector and Their Contribution to Sustainable Economic Development

Leveraging digital transformation for sustainable development and job creation