All Publications

Showing 2181 - 2190 of 9057

Individual Lending to Microenterprises in Mexico: An Overview of Constraints and Opportunities

Designing an efficient framework for microenterprise lending in Mexico

Insights into Actions: What Human-Centered Design Means for Financial Inclusion

Explaining an innovative approach to learn directly from customers

Institutional and Non-Bank lending and the Role of Debt Funds

Evaluating the potential of debt funds as a financing channel for SMEs

Insurance for Contractual Workers of Micro and Small Enterprises in India - A Conscience Call

Assessing the need for insurance products for contractual workers in India

Insurance Product for Contractual MSE Workers of India – Behavioral Insights

Conceptualizing an insurance product for contractual workers in India
Case Study

Knowledge Sharing - The Microfinance Center of Expertise

Discussing European Investment Bank’s knowledge sharing platform

Making Health Microinsurance Work: Ten Recommendations for Practitioners

Designing efficient health microinsurance services

Microfinance Barometer 2014

Examining microfinance trends around the world
Guide / Toolkit

Oral Information Management Tools: Lighting the Path to Financial Inclusion

Designing products to increase access to financial services among illiterate people

Practical Issues in Local Saving Mobilization by MFIs

Highlighting issues encountered by Ethiopian MFIs attempting to mobilize savings