All Publications

Showing 641 - 650 of 867
Case Study

A Study on Rural Financial Service in Paradhipi Gram Panchayat

Understanding rural financial services in Orissa
Case Study

AMAP BDS K&P: Research Hypotheses

An intervention-based approach to research hypotheses

Competition and Microfinance

Is competition between microfinance institutions good for poor people?

Designing Innovative Products, Processes and Channels for the Promotion of Microfinance

A guide for devising new products for the low income segment

Developing and Testing Poverty Assessment Tools: Results From Accuracy Tests in Peru

How have poverty indicators performed in Peru?

Elasticities of Demand for Consumer Credit

Consumers' borrowing behavior when interest rates and/or loan maturity are exogenously changed

Entering New Markets: How Market Research Can Inform Product Development

How market research can lower risks associated with new product development?

Enterprise Development - Defining the Field: Synthesis of a SEEP Network Online Discussion

An insight into enterprise development

Financial Access Indicators Stocktake

Why is it necessary to find a suitable way to measure financial access?

Getting to Know Underbanked Consumers: A Financial Services Analysis

Analysis of activities, attitudes and behaviors of low-income consumers