All Publications

Showing 451 - 460 of 467
Case Study

The Challenge of Growth for Microfinance Institutions: The BancoSol Experience

Meeting management and financial challenges of rapid growth

The Benefits and Costs of Loan Guarantee Programs

Benefits versus costs of loan guarantee programs
Case Study

The Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee's Credit Programs: Performance and Sustainability

An evaluation of Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee's credit programs
Case Study

Grameen Bank: Impact, Costs and Program Sustainability

Examining the model's self-sustainability and its effects on household outcomes

Group Credit: A Means to Improve Information Transfer and Loan Repayment Performance

Does group credit system overcome problems of asymmetric information?
Case Study

Sustainability of a Government Targeted Credit Program: Evidence from Bangladesh

How can results such as those of the Grameen Bank and BRAC be achieved?

Controlling Delinquency

Addressing challenges in tackling delinquency
Guide / Toolkit

Evaluating Microenterprise Finance Programs

How are microenterprise programs performing and how can they be improved?
Case Study

Managing Growth in Microfinance Institutions: Lessons from the ACCION Experience

How is ACCION enabling its affiliates to develop?