All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 31
Guide / Toolkit

Loan Officer Manual: Banco Solidario

Training loan officers to avoid client over-indebtedness

The Interaction of Customary Law and Microfinance: Women’s Entry into the World Economy

Examining the interaction between microfinance and customary law

Rural Finance for Small Farmers: An Integrated Approach

Expanding responsively and sustainably into rural areas

Agricultural Insurance Revisited: New Developments and Perspectives in Latin America and the Caribbean

How can agricultural insurance get a foothold in the developing countries?
Case Study

Using Palm Pilots to Manage Loans: ADOPEM Raises Efficiency with Handheld Technology (Innovation Brief)

Importance of handheld technologies for MFIs

Dominican Republic - Sustainable Tourism Fuels Dominican Republic

How can tourism help a country's economy and, at the same time, preserve the environment?
Case Study

Client Case Studies From the Dominican Republic

Nurturing entrepreneurial spirit through microfinance

Attracting Remittances: Practices to Reduce Costs and Enable a Money Transfer Environment

Presenting best practices for attracting remittances

CGAP IT Innovation Series - Automated Teller Machines

Using ATMs in microfinance institutions

CGAP IT Innovation Series: Personal Digital Assistants (PDA)

How successful are PDAs for microfinance?