All Publications

Showing 81 - 90 of 93

Microcredit Through Bai-Muajjal Mode of Islamic Banking Financing

Comparing the 'Bai-Muajjal' mode of Islamic financing with conventional financing
Case Study

Case Study of Bank Indonesia

Islamic banking in Indonesia: A future success story?
Case Study

Case Study of Farmers' Commercial Bank

Prospering in tough conditions: Farmers' Commercial Bank of Sudan

Islamic Banking and its Potential Impact

How suited are Islamic banking principles to rural finance?

Fact Sheet 7: Microlending in an Islamic Environment

Understanding the microfinance needs in Palestine

Financing Microenterprises: An Analytical Study of Islamic Microfinance Institutions

Theoretical and empirical support for the establishment of Islamic MFIs

A Comparative Literature Survey of Islamic Finance and Banking

How can Islamic financial markets be helped grow?

Innovative Initiatives for Welfare: Non-Banking and Banking Initiatives, an Overview

What initiatives outside the money economy can improve welfare?

Conference and Workshop Report on "Islamic Modes of Financing"

Proceedings from Conference and Workshop on "Islamic Modes of Financing", 2000